Tom —
Here are the three things I want to see in Battlefield 6
- Battlefield 6 will be the latest entry from EA’s legendary FPS franchise
- It’s expected to be announced for Xbox and other consoles in 2025 and possibly released in October
- With recent disappointments like Battlefield 2042, we need some changes
Over the last 23 years, I’ve played every Battlefield game. The exception is Modern Combat, which I only didn’t get around to because it launched in the same year as the fantastic Battlefield 2 and was subsequently overshadowed by its PC-only sibling.
When considering that, not only do I realize that I’ve probably been playing games longer than some of you fine folks have been alive (I’ll play some video games later to cheer myself up), but I’m also reminded how much of a rollercoaster ride the franchise has been over the years.

Comparisons have always been made between Battlefield and Call of Duty, which has always been strange to me. They are vastly different franchises. While Call of Duty is about fast, slick gunplay that moves in tightly knit three-lane maps, Battlefield has always broadened the scope with massive maps, vehicle play, and (at its best) an incredible array of player choices in how they attack or defend objectives.
However, it’s safe to say Battlefield players feel like EA missed the mark with its last two entries. Battlefield V launched with a ton of bugs and many felt that DICE underdelivered its promises for the WWII shooter. As for Battlefield 2042? Well, the developer’s plans to abandon the trademark class system in favor of Specialists wasn’t the best idea and the maps became far too big even in the 120-player modes.
There have been some fantastic highs and more than a few lows, but the series has always held a special place in my heart. The quote “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes to mind, and I hope this next entry returns to boots-on-the-ground gameplay with improvements to the series’ fundamentals. Battlefield fans don’t need fancy gadgets and goofy Specialists! We just need intense firefights and more destruction.
While I’ve found enjoyment in every Battlefield game, there are some things I’d love to see in Battlefield 6 — or whatever this next game will be called. In my opinion, Battlefield 6 must make three changes when it brings its war to Xbox.
Varied map design is paramount
Brought in to support its new 120-player game modes, Battlefield 2042’s maps were huge compared to any other game in the franchise. While I had hoped that an increase in players would lead to even more carnage, matches felt barren at times. The amount of space forced you to cover a lot of empty ground to reach Conquest objectives — I did love the Breakthrough mode, though!
Conquest feels the best when map rotations flick between larger, vehicle-focused maps and tighter-knit close-quarters environments. The joys of Battlefield 3 are a good touchstone here. You could go from tank-on-tank warfare on Caspian Border to infantry-only annihilation on Operation Métro, with Grand Bazaar thrown in for a great mix of both gameplay styles — one well-placed LAV-25 wedged into a tight alleyway could wreak delightful havoc on the enemy team!
Skipping forward to more recent entries, Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V had some great maps, both offering impressive levels of destruction. Battlefield V featured some fantastic destructive playgrounds, allowing most buildings to be destroyed and even allowing higher caliber bullets to rip through walls, making it difficult to find cover at times. Thanks to a new fortification system that gave players a way to build obstacles — like sandbags, barbed wire, and such — you could create defensive positions in hotspots as well.
For me, that is a core aspect of the Battlefield games. Being able to destroy a building filled with enemy combatants and removing that cover entirely makes matches and maps feel dynamic. Sadly, it was a series fundamental that was painfully underused in BF 2042, but needs to make a drastic return in Battlefield 6.
No more Specialists and return to the class system
EA has already confirmed that Specialists won’t return in Battlefield 6, but it still feels worth mentioning. This one is a no-brainer, as it almost single-handedly landed the killing blow to Battlefield 2042. DICE had already started reverting to a class system by the time I returned to Battlefield 2042 a year and a half after launch.
Unlike Call of Duty, Battlefield feels at its best when teams are working together, and classes ensure squads are filled with varying roles. Successful teams have a range of classes performing their roles. Medics dive to resuscitate teammates and drop healing boxes. Support players lay down heavy fire and drop ammo boxes. Engineers keep vehicles on the battlefield and lay mines for the enemy. Assault offers all-around protection while the glint of light hitting a scope reveals Recon units sniping prey from a distance and providing new spawn locations.
Unlike other games in the genre, Battlefield is at its best when it makes you feel like a small cog in a very big machine. Generally, victory is in the hands of the majority; not a single player ‘John Wicking’ it through the map.
Bring back DLC or Title Update achievements
I quite enjoyed Battlefield V, not as much as Battlefield 1, but still found a lot of enjoyment with it, especially when messing around with the fortifications. It didn’t quite have the same atmosphere as its predecessor, but it was still a decent entry in its own right. My biggest gripe with Battlefield V was DICE’s decision to stop rolling out any post-launch achievements — a theme that continued with Battlefield 2042.
With Battlefield V, DICE did away with the DLC system from previous Battlefield games where you’d get a few expansions and title updates after launch, most of which added a nice list of achievements to blast through. Mind you, Hardline’s Criminal Activity Title Update had achievements for getting 10,000 kills with each class and didn’t count any kills made before the update released. That was a terrible idea!
Anyway, my point is that it was always nice to have a reason to return to my favorite shooter franchise and I’d be guaranteed to dive back in for a new list of achievements. With Battlefield V and 2042, I’ve not had that incentive to return. With my ever-growing backlog of games continuing to get even more out of control — mostly due to the never-ending stream of upcoming Game Pass games — I find it hard to justify spending hours of my time on a game without any new achievements to collect.
It’s not like DICE’s latest games haven’t added fantastic content via post-launch updates, either. Just look at Battlefield V’s fantastic War in the Pacific update which added two new factions, three maps, 13 weapons, and 17 vehicles to the game. That should’ve been more than enough content to base achievements on. While it’s likely only on a few players’ wishlists, it’s something I’d like to see return with Battlefield 6. Come on DICE, help me out here!
Bonus entry — a Titan or Carrier Assault game mode
This one is just a bonus entry and will have zero impact on how I feel about Battlefield 6, but I’d love to see a Titan/Carrier Assault mode added to the game. The game mode essentially mixes the Conquest and Rush game modes into one chaotic battle. The mode was first introduced in Battlefield 2142 as Titan but got a makeover and re-release as Carrier Assault with Battlefield 4’s Naval Strike expansion and we’ve not seen it since, sadly.
Going on the more recent version of the mode, Carrier Assault has two phases. The first plays out a little like Conquest, tasking both teams with capturing three or five (depending on which size mode you’re playing) missile launchers on the map. Once captured, the launchers begin firing at the enemy aircraft carrier, which can be boarded when half of its health has been lost.
Once the message “Prepare for boarding” flashes up on the screen, the attacking team can then board the carrier in an attempt to destroy a Rush-style M-COM station and subsequently win. While Conquest and Rush will always be Battlefield’s defining modes, it’s always nice to have a bit of variety on the side!

Well, that’s it from me on what I’d like to see from Battlefield 6. The franchise doesn’t need a grand makeover to fit the new live-service model, it just needs to improve on the fundamentals. Sure, throw in customization options for players who want to spruce up their soldier or vehicles via an in-game store or battle pass, but don’t lose sight of everything that makes Battlefield great — its only competition is itself!