Although I’m personally not a fan of Star Wars (I blame my Ex :p). I’ve just found out through Earok however, that not only did the SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis get a new homebrew release called ‘Super Star Wars Holiday Special’. Which is an unofficial game from the cult-classic SNES Super Star Wars series, and loosely based on the outrageous The Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978. But as of today you can download the Commodore Amiga version, that’s been ported over as the first public beta by Earok.
Sega Mega Drive version by Master Linkuei
Amiga Version by Earok
AGA, CD32 Pad. Music is CD32 only. 020/2MB chip minimum. 030 or Fast RAM recommended but not required.
Public Beta 1 Downloads
CD32 (stock) ISO –…Z0N2djn1KkkcE8
LHA –…1TpuEVj4QJLg6U